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    Dr Elisabet Sahtouris is an evolutionary biologist, futurist, author, speaker and consultant on Living Systems Design. She regularly travels all over the world lecturing on nature’s principles and practice as revealed in biological evolution as useful models for organizational change applying them in the corporate world and in global politics and economics in our efforts to create sustainable health and wellbeing for humanity within the larger living systems of earth. Dr Sahtouris did her post-doctoral work at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, taught at the University of Massachusetts and M.I.T., and was a science writer for the HORIZON/NOVA TV series. She was invited to China by the Chinese National Science Association, has organized Earth Celebrations 2000 in Athens, Greece, and has been a United Nations consultant on indigenous peoples. She is also a participant in the Humanity 3000 dialogues of the Foundation for the Future, the Synthesis Dialogues with the Dalai Lama, and consults with corporations and government organizations in Australia, Brazil and the USA. She is also the author of three excellent books, and her latest one being Gaia’s Dance: The Story of Earth and Us.

Renowned evolutionary biologist, Dr Elisabet Sahtouris, discusses how collaboration in nature has been crucial to evolutionary biology and provides clues to how we deal with present day crises.

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