Felipe Simas, Pablo Friedlander, James Aronson


Felipe Simas, Pablo Friedlander, James Aronson


Felipe Simas teaches at Viçosa Federal University, in Minas Gerais Brazil. His background is in Agronomy and holds a PhD in Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition. His areas of work include agroecology, context based education in rural schools, regenerative design, ecovillages and transition of socioecological systems. For over two decades he has supported the creation and implementation of projects with traditional Amazon communities.

Pablo Friedlander is the Executive Director of El Puente, born in Argentina and of both indigenous and european ancestry, he holds a PhD in Natural Philosophy and Master’s degree in Anthropology, History and Aesthetics, and has done extensive field work on ecological restoration, environmental education, oral epics & ethnopharmalogical research, mainly in the Andes & the Amazon.

James Aronson, PhD. is president and co-founder of the global action network Ecological Health Network and a senior scientist emeritus with Missouri Botanical Garden’s Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development.

Conscious Life is a member of the Alex Howard Group.

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